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Bragg-Mitchell Mansion

The historic Bragg-Mitchell Mansion is located in Mobile, Alabama. The home, constructed in 1855, is a stunning example of Greek Revival architecture and a famous tourist destination.

Originally constructed for Judge John Bragg and his wife, Mary Jane. Judge Bragg was a renowned lawyer and politician in Alabama, having served as a member of the state legislature and then as a justice on the Alabama Supreme Court. The Braggs, a rich family, wasted no cost in building their new residence. They recruited a professional architect, James H. Dakin, to design and construct the mansion, and they utilized only the finest materials.

The Bragg-Mitchell Mansion is a two-story building with a portico supported by six enormous Corinthian columns. The exterior is composed of stucco-covered masonry and is painted a light blue-gray tint. The design of the mansion is symmetrical, with similar wings on either side of the main entrance. The windows have elaborate lintels and shutters and are tall and skinny.

The mansion’s inside is equally as stunning as its appearance. The great entrance hall is a sight to behold, with a grand staircase leading to the second story. The dining room and drawing room are situated on either side of this central hallway. The dining room is adorned with an exquisite crystal chandelier and a wide, elaborate fireplace. The ceiling and walls of the drawing room are also adorned with intricate plasterwork.

The mansion has had various owners over the years, and the Mitchell family acquired it in 1939. The Mitchells meticulously restored the estate to its former condition, and in 1965 it was opened as a historic house museum.

Nowadays, tourists can enjoy guided tours of the Bragg-Mitchell Mansion and learn about its rich history. The tours are given by skilled guides who provide insight into the lives of those who once inhabited the home. Elegant furnishings, paintings, and other ornamental artifacts occupy the mansion’s rooms, which can be viewed by visitors. Kids may also explore the home’s stunning gardens, which feature a pond, a fountain, and a variety of plants.

The Bragg-Mitchell Mansion is more than just a lovely historic residence; it is also an integral component of Mobile, Alabama’s past. The mansion was constructed during a time when Mobile was a prosperous port city, and it exemplifies the era’s prosperity and beauty. The Bragg family was instrumental in the growth of Mobile, and their home stands as a testimony to their prosperity and importance.

In addition to its architectural and historical significance, it is reported that the Bragg-Mitchell Mansion is haunted. Throughout the years, there have been numerous tales of ghostly sightings and weird occurrences at the mansion. Several visitors claim to have seen the spirit of Mary Jane Bragg, who passed away at the house in 1862. Others have claimed hearing odd sounds and footsteps, as well as feeling cold spots in specific locations of the home.

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, you cannot deny the Bragg-Mitchell Mansion’s beauty and charm. It is a must-see site for anybody traveling to Mobile, Alabama, and a fascinating window into the city’s past. The mansion is open to the public during the entire year, and daily guided tours are available. Bragg-Mitchell House should be added to your Mobile itinerary if you are seeking a unique and unforgettable experience.

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